In the 2021-2022 season, the conductor training was announced under the name Symphonia Hungarica. Under a renewed name, but still, at a high level, it provides an opportunity for young musicians from Hungary and abroad who already have a diploma to learn more about the art of conducting.
In addition to the conductor's consultation, which forms the backbone of the training, the Young Maestros can once again obtain interesting and valuable information from the best representatives of Hungarian music life. The professional leader of the training is conductor Zsolt Hamar, founder and artistic director of the Collegium Symphonicum Hungaricum.
Please send applications to the email address by September 17, 2023.
To apply, you need:
- a filled out application form found on the website,
- completed declaration that can be downloaded from the website,
- CV with photo,
- High-quality portrait photo(s),
- 10+ minutes long video in which the applicant is
visible during conducting
Applicants will receive feedback on their admission results by September 23, 2023. In the case of successful admission, the date of the first consultation is Sunday, September 24, 2023, at Avilai Nagy Szent Teréz Plébániatemplom Plébánia (1065 Budapest, Pethő Sándor str. 2.)
The sessions will take place twice a week from 2 pm to 6 pm, by individual appointment
The language of the seminars and workshops is Hungarian.
The participation fee for the first semester is a total of HUF 130,000, which will be paid in 2 instalments (first instalment until September 30, second instalment until November 1)
CoSyMa Art Solutions Kft. is not obliged to justify the decisions made during the pre-selection and professional assessment. The application is invalid without any further action by CoSyMa Art Solutions Kft., if:
- it does not meet the tender conditions;
- the attached documentation is incomplete at the end of the application deadline;
- the application is made after the deadline.
If the submitted documentation is incomplete, it is possible to fill in the gaps before the application deadline! Preliminary applications must be completed by no later than the last day of the application deadline. In order to facilitate the submission of valid applications, CoSyMa Art Solutions Kft. tries to send a written notification of the need to fill in the gaps to the affected applicants; however, if the application is incomplete and the applicant has not been notified of this, the applicant is not entitled to any objections.
The institution reserves the right to award the advertised places subject to suitable quality applications, stating that it is not obliged to fill all the positions specified in this application. CoSyMa Art Solutions Kft. is also entitled to withdraw from the conclusion of the contract with the winning applicants without reason.